The two-year project “Nauru Game for Active Citizenship of Europe” is funded from the European Union within the Erasmus+ programme. It has been implemented since February 2017 by the Centre for System Solutions in partnership with the Hungarian Rogers Foundation and the Slovakian organization TANDEM n.o. The main objective of the project is to shape citizens’ attitudes and increase the awareness of social participation, sustainable development and climate change among young citizens of Europe. To reach these aims, the partnership is developing innovative internet tools – a game and an e-learning platform. In 2017/2018, informational events for educators are held in all three partner countries to test the game and its accompanying materials. In 2018, on the other hand, trainings for future moderators are planned in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to teach them how to prepare a game-based workshop and use the e-learning platform in their daily work with youth.
Our goals
New Shores – a Game for Democracy is a multiplayer online game with a strong emphasis put on active engagement and direct communication between players. It is addressed mostly to middle and secondary school pupils and students of higher education.
Players are sent on a mysterious island which boasts rich coal deposits and pristine forests full of green trees and tasty berries. Unlike in regular games, they are not assigned a concrete mission. Instead, the players may engage in a variety of activities on the island, and either learn to collaborate for the common good or chose to pursue their individual goals.
Whatever strategy they chose, they have to bear its consequences. While using the island’s resources may trigger economic and social development, it may also upset the fragile environmental balance and cause natural disasters. Soon players recognize the necessity of setting common rules to secure their well-being. Will they reach an agreement? Will everyone follow the rules?
The game is simple and intuitive – it does not require any advanced computer skills. It may be played on tablets or laptops. Although it is an online game, it offers a social experience. It entails negotiation and cooperation, and often triggers empathy and respect for democratic values in players.
Visit our e-learning platform and go through the course to learn how to access and manage the game

New Shores session as part of the PORTAL program
What is PORTAL? It is an Integrated Development Program of the Wrocław University of Economics that aims at improving the competences of students and staff in the higher education system. As part of the project, students and lecturers of the Wrocław University of Economics have the opportunity to participate in innovative training courses and workshops […]

Ethics lesson with New Shores
How to involve young people and mobilize them to think about their future? Librarians from the Primary School No. 113 in Wrocław found a good solution! Last Tuesday, they organized an extraordinary ethics lesson. Rather than preparing a lecture or a presentation, they invited students for an exciting session of one of our simulations, New […]

New Shores awarded in the Educators’ Challenge!
On May 15, 2019, the Educators’ Challenge Awards’ Ceremony was organized by the Global Challenges Foundation. The event held at the Old Theatre of LSE- Institute of Global Affairs gathered 10 finalists of the Educators’ Challenge competition. They had the unique opportunity to present their ideas and methods on how to best communicate some of […]
The project is implemented in cooperation among three countries – Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Each partner organization is responsible for different intellectual outcomes of the project:

Centre for Systems Solutions
from Poland is a leading developer of serious games and simulations in the area of climate change and sustainability to support research, education and policy experimentation. They span multiple technologies, including mobile multiplayer games, board games and role-playing simulations to support active and participatory learning and teaching. In this project, the CRS team accounts for the development of New Shores – a Game for Democracy.

Tandem n.o.
is a training and development organization from Slovakia which is foremost focused on the notion of human identity in providing programs and services in the field of personal, community and organizational development. They organize, among others, self-knowledge trainings, leadership coachings, career guidance and counselling to stimulate soft and hard professional competencies. In this project, they are responsible for developing of the methodology.

Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education
promotes a person-centred approach to learning and teaching in Hungary and abroad. In their daily work they are predominantly focused on developing innovative educational methods, integrating arts, music, literature, drama, animal-assisted therapy, and e-learning techniques with the aim of supporting children’s natural talents and enhancing their social competencies. In this project the organization accounts for the development of the e-learning platform and educational materials.
e-platform users
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project is being implemented by the Centre for Systems Solutions in cooperation with Tandem n.o. and Rogers Foundation for Person-Centered Education.